Support Hope
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Time & Talents
At Hope Church, everyone is encouraged to serve in ministries that best fit the gifts (“talents”) God has given them. This is important because people who serve according to their giftedness, do so with more enthusiasm. As a result, we invite everyone to take the “Spiritual Gift” survey to discover where God has equipped them to serve at Hope Church.
Spiritual Gift Survey
Complete questions to discover your gifts.
Find a Team
Find a team to use your talent and gifts.
Philosophy On Giving
As it was written in Scripture, Hope Church believes God asks His people to give of themselves- mind, body, heart and soul. This giving of ourselves can take many forms: sharing our God-given talents to those in need, spending moments of time being with others, giving some of our income to further God’s Word, and even just being in prayer for someone’s needs.
We do not pass a donation plate at Hope Church as we believe Giving is a private matter between you and God. You can offer monetary giving online or through the donation bucket in the church if you feel the Spirit is driving you towards it. If you have time and talents you are willing to share, reach out to the Elders and Deacons to offer help in our many Ministries and Missions. And in all things, be in continual prayer with God, for everything.
Giving Options
As a reminder, we do not pass an offering plate in our services. We believe Giving is a private matter between you and God. You can put monetary support in our “bucket” in the back of the church or make donations online. Our online format is secure, allow one time donations, or reoccurring. Thank you for supporting Hope Church.