Poor Sinner, Dejected with Fear

Poor sinner, dejected with fear,Pobre pecador, abatido por el miedo,

Unbosom thy mind to the Lamb;Desahoga tu mente ante el Cordero;

No wrath on His brow He does wear,Ninguna ira lleva en Su frente,

Nor will He poor mourners condemn;Ni condenará a los pobres dolientes;

His arm of omnipotent graceSu brazo de gracia omnipotente

Is able and willing to save;Es capaz y está dispuesto a salvar;

A sweet and a permanent peaceUna dulce y permanente paz

He’ll freely and faithfully give.Él dará libre y fielmente.

Come just as thou art, with thy woe,Ven tal como estás, con tu pena,

Fall down at the feet of the Lamb;Póstrate a los pies del Cordero;

He will not, He cannot say, “Go”,Él no dirá, Él no puede decir: “Vete”,

But surely will take out thy stain.Sino que ciertamente quitará tu mancha.

A fountain is opened for sin,Una fuente está abierta para el pecado,

And thousands its virtues have provedY miles han probado sus virtudes;

He’ll take thee, and plunge thee therein,Él te tomará y te sumergirá allí,

And wash thee from filth in His blood.Y te lavará de la inmundicia en Su sangre.

The soul that on Jesus relies,El alma que en Jesús confía,

He’ll never, no never deceive;Él nunca, nunca engañará;

He freely and faithfully givesÉl da libre y fielmente

More blessings than we can conceive;Más bendiciones de las que podemos concebir;

Yea, down to old age He will keep,Sí, hasta la vejez Él guardará,

Nor will He forsake us at last;Ni nos abandonará al final;

He knows and is known by His sheep;Él conoce y es conocido por Sus ovejas;

They’re His, and He will hold them fast.Son de Él, y Él las retendrá firmes.

Words by William Gadsby
Music by Katy Bowser and Matthew Perryman Jones
Copyright 2001 MPJ Music/Velveteen Songs
Used with permission from MPJ Music.